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The Best Shopping Experience


Bind and Switch was first given form at the end of 2020 when fond reminiscing of a rope bunny experience drove me to learn about the craft from the rigger's side. While blissfully remembering the feel of a Takate Kote, I decided I needed to know more!


What made good rope? How was it treated? What did riggers look for? How could I build my own skills as both a rigger and a bunny? With some initial guidance from a dear friend, I bought my first 200m of rope and jumped right in. The rest, as they say, is history. I worked on refining my skills and learning about the incredible materials I utilised, to adapt what I knew and create dyed and treated Shibari rope with both Vegan and non-Vegan options.


Bind and Switch is as much a personal journey as it is a place for you to get your rope fix. The name itself incorporates two huge influences on my life - my love of rope, and being a switch - and the colours with which I dye the rope are an expression of my soul and the joy I find in my work. As a one-person operation, I am committed to bringing locally-produced rope to the Newcastle community, and sharing my passion for Shibari as far as I can take it.

Church Candles
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